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SWALPAC 1-15-02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Sherwood Waldron, Walt Foster, Jackie Smith, Bob Waldron, Cile Decker, Betty Warren, Jeff Folger

ALSO PRESENT:               Residents J. Mongeon & John Dzen, Jr.

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

ITEM:  Minutes


ITEM:  New Business

Pending development on Pudim property on Barber Hill Road.  J. Dzen explained his concern about this development and possible conflict with the abutting agriculture use.  No buffer is proposed at this time.  Mr. Dzen suggested the need for buffers on four of the lots.  He reviewed buffer/easement requirements of the Town and cited a section of Planning and Zoning regulations
Both Mr. Dzen and Mr. Mongeon questioned why this is not an open space subdivision.
The issue of the pond site was raised.  Betty Warren left the meeting to avoid any conflict with discussion of IWA/CC issues.

Mr. Dzen stated the farming operation uses the spring that feeds the pond for irrigation.  He was deeded water rights t the spring.  The current proposal calls for the pond ownership to be split between two house lots.  Betty returned to the meeting.  Mr. Dzen asked for support in assuring the continued farm use without conflict with a butting residential area, prior to leaving the meeting.

ITEM:   Other Business

The suggestion has been made that the commission request that the Town Council make Frank Niederwerfer a member emeritus.  Due to health, it is unlikely that he would be able to attend meetings.  Betty will contact Tom Delnicki regarding this matter.

It was announced that there will be a recognition evening for members of Boards and Commissions on April 5, 2002.

It was decided that Jeff Folger would compose a memo to the PZC advising them of SWALPAC
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Elizabeth Warren, Chairperson